Saturday, August 23, 2008

The entire summer!

Hey everyone!

I sure have neglected this poor blog over the summer....I hope you have all had a superb summer? I sure did! Having the summer off has been such a blessing...spending more time with my family, visiting a few dear people, but most importantly so grateful for all God has taught me. It was the kind of summer that brought more than just gorgeous sunsets and warm breezes.

We've been enjoying the farm as usual..An overdose of tomatoes right now :( Please call if you want ANY! please! :)

July 4th. we drove up to Rehoboth, MA. for Jordan and Melissa's wedding. It was so God honoring and SOOO incredible! I've never been to anything so unique, and so beautiful. I posted several pictures below...I mean, several! :)

I hope you all have a most wonderful Labor Day weekend!

God Bless,
Love Tayla